A Collection of Stuff

A Collection of News and Other Stuff to Help You Improve Your Business

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our Annual Review

A lot has happened at Custom Components in the last year.  To see our annual review
 Click here

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Quote Of The Week

"Management is doing things right.  Leadership is doing the right things." - Peter Drucker

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Know Your Number

Ask your customers on a scale of 1-5 how satisfied they are with your product or service. You can do this in person, through an online survey, or a comment card. Tabulate all of your feedback to know the average satisfaction rate of your customers. Once you know your number, you can measure again after you’ve made some changes to know the impact of your improvements.

Source:  http://www.manta.com/

Monday, June 4, 2012

Double Check Yourself

We all know that when we see typos on a website, ad, or article, the author loses a bit of credibility. Don't make that mistake! Whenever you are writing for your company make sure that it is grammatically correct and error-free. Make it a habit to re-read your work out loud before you are finished. Even a small mistake can cause you to lose trust. If you take the extra time to double check yourself, prospects can have more confidence in doing business with you.
Source:  www.manta.com

Friday, June 1, 2012

Make It Personal

Whenever you can, take the effort to personally follow-up with a customer.
  • Send a note after the sale asking if the customer is satisfied with their purchase.
  • Make a call to a customer who had a product or service issue to see if everything was resolved.
  • Set a meeting with a customer whom you didn’t get the sale to clarify the reason they did not choose you.
These are easy ways to increase customer loyalty and make sure your customers come back to you.

Source:  www.manta.com